Cap design:

1. Explosion-proof valve (pressure release)

2. External short circuit protection, over current protection (PTC)

3. Overcharge protection (CID)

5 Sealing ring
4 Small aluminum sheet
3 Rupture Disk
2 PTC tablets
1 Upper cover
Serial number Accessory name

Core design:

1. Adopt copper foil tail structure;

2. The diaphragm is a high-strength wet diaphragm with strong puncture strength and high safety performance, and the product has passed the relevant tests on product safety in GB-31241-2014.

Technological design:

1. When the battery is formed into the cabinet, thermal imaging scanning technology is used to remove the heating battery;

2. Through aging at room temperature for 5 days + high temperature for 3 days, the products with large self-discharge are eliminated;

3. After the batteries are divided into storage, they are aged at room temperature for more than 15 days before they are allowed to be packaged and shipped, and defective products are further eliminated to ensure product quality.